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lsfstartup, lsfrestart, lsfshutdown (LSF 명령어)

by yororing 2024. 4. 29.

01 lsfstartup

1. 정의

  • starts the LIM, RES, and sbatchd daemons on all hosts in the cluster (not including mbatchd???)

2. 문법

# lsfstartup -pdsh [-delay seconds] [-num_hosts number]
# lsfstartup [-f]
# lsfstartup [-h | -V]

3. 설명

  • can be only used by root or users who are listed in the lsf.sudoers file
  • start LIM, RES, and sbatchd daemons (이 순으로) on all hosts
  • when live configuration w/ the bconf command is enabled (the LSF_LIVE_CONFDIR parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file), the lsfstartuup command uses configuration files that are generated by the bconf command
  • by default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is encountered
  • LSF 데몬들이 running 중이면 lsfrestart을 사용하거나 lsfshutdown으로 LSF 데몬들을 먼저 종료시킨 후 lsfstartup 사용해야 함
  • 클러스터 안의 모든 데몬들을 control하기 위해선 /etc/lsf.sudoers 파일이 제대로 설정되어있어야 함 
    • Note: lsf.sudoers 파일을 사용하려면
      • you must enable the setuid bit for the LSF administration commands.
      • Run the hostsetup --setuid command option on the LSF management and candidate hosts.
      • Since this allows LSF administration commands to run with root privileges, do not enable the setuid bit if you do not want these LSF commands to run with root privileges.
      • The hostsetup --setuid command enables the setuid bit for the following LSF executable files: badmin, lsadmin, egosh, utmpreg, swtbl_api, ntbl_api, lstbl_nid, and swtbl_poe

4. 옵션

옵션 설명
 -f force mode. error가 나도 continues to start daemons
-pdsh enable parallel remote command execution with the PDSH tool.
(PDSH tool is required on management hosts and management candidates)
-delay seconds time interval b/w chunks. Valid values are 1 - 60. 기본값 = 8 seconds.
-num_hosts number number of hosts in one chunk. Valid values are 1 - 512. 기본값 = 250.
-h prints command usage to stderr and exits
-V prints LSF release version to stderr and exits

02 lsfrestart

1. 정의

  • restarts the LIM, RES, sbatchd, and mbatchd daemons on all hosts in the cluster

2. 문법

# lsfrestart [-f | -pdsh]
# lsfrestart [-h | -V]

3. 설명

  • can be used only by root, the primary cluster administrator, or users who are listed in the lsf.sudoers file.
  • restarts the LIM, RES, sbatchd and mbatchd daemons (이 순으로) on all hosts in the local cluster
  • when live configuration with the bconf command is enabled (the LSF_LIVE_CONFDIR parameter is defined in the lsf.conf file), the lsfstartup command uses configuration files that are generated by the bconf command
  • by default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is encountered.
  • 클러스터 안의 모든 데몬들을 control하기 위해선 /etc/lsf.sudoers 파일이 제대로 설정되어있어야 함 
    • Note: lsf.sudoers 파일을 사용하려면
      • you must enable the setuid bit for the LSF administration commands.
      • Run the hostsetup --setuid command option on the LSF management and candidate hosts.
      • Since this allows LSF administration commands to run with root privileges, do not enable the setuid bit if you do not want these LSF commands to run with root privileges.
      • The hostsetup --setuid command enables the setuid bit for the following LSF executable files: badmin, lsadmin, egosh, utmpreg, swtbl_api, ntbl_api, lstbl_nid, and swtbl_poe

4. 옵션

옵션 설명
 -f force mode. error가 나도 continues to restart daemons
-pdsh enable parallel remote command execution with the PDSH tool.
(PDSH tool is required on management hosts and management candidates. The chunk size is 400 hosts.)
-h prints command usage to stderr and exits
-V prints LSF release version to stderr and exits

03 lsfshutdown

1. 정의

  • shuts down the LIM, RES, sbatchd, and mbatchd daemons on all hosts in the cluster

2. 문법

# lsfshutdown [-f | -pdsh]
# lsfshutdown [-h | -V]

3. 설명

  • can be only used by root, the primary cluster administrator, or users who are listed in the lsf.sudoers file.
  • shuts down sbatchd, RES, LIM, and mbatchd daemons (이 순으로), on all hosts.
  • by default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is encountered
  • 클러스터 안의 모든 데몬들을 control하기 위해선 /etc/lsf.sudoers 파일이 제대로 설정되어있어야 함

4. 옵션

옵션 설명
 -f force mode. error가 나도 continues to restart daemons
-pdsh enable parallel remote command execution with the PDSH tool.
(PDSH tool is required on management hosts and management candidates. The chunk size is 400 hosts.)
-h prints command usage to stderr and exits
-V prints LSF release version to stderr and exits



  1. man lsfstartup
  2. man lsfrestart
  3. man lsfshutdown

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