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LSF 빠른 참조

by yororing 2024. 4. 22.
  •   LSF commands, daemons, configuration files, log files, and important cluster configuration parameters에 대한 참조

01 유닉스/리눅스 설치 디렉토리 샘플

(Sample UNIX and Linux installation directories)



02 데몬 에러 로그 파일 (Daemon Error Log Files)

1. 경로

경로 파일
lsf.conf 안에 LSF_LOGDIR로 지정된 경로


2. 종류

LSF base 시스템 데몬 로그 파일 LSF batch 시스템 데몬 로그 파일
pim.log.host_name mbatchd.log.host_name
res.log.host_name sbatchd.log.host_name
lim.log.host_name mbschd.log.host_name


03 구성 파일 (Configuration Files)

1. 경로

경로 파일
lsf.conf 안에 LSF_CONFDIR로 지정된 경로 lsf.conf
LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/ lsb.params

2. 종류

파일 설명
install.config options for LSF installation and configuration
lsf.conf generic environment configuration file that describes the configuration and operation of the cluster
lsf.shared definition file that is shared by all clusters
used to define cluster name, host types, host models, and site-defined resources
lsf.cluster.cluster_name cluster configuration files that are used to define hosts, administrators, and locality of site-defined shared resources
lsb.applications defines application profiles to define common parameters for the same types of jobs
lsb.params configures LSF batch parameters
lsb.queues batch queue configuration file
lsb.resources configures resource allocation limits, exports, and resource usage limits
lsb.serviceclasses defines service-level agreements (SLAs) in an LSF cluster as service classes, which define the properties of the SLA
lsb.users configures user groups, hierarchical fair share for users and user groups, and job slot limits for users and user groups


04 lsf.conf 안 클러스터 구성 매개변수들

(Cluster configuration parameters in the lsf.conf file)


05 관리 및 accounting 명령어

(Administration and accounting commands)

  • LSF administrators(관리자) 및 root 계정만 사용 가능
명령어 설명
lsadmin - LSF administrator tool
- controls the operation of the LIM and RES daemons in an LSF cluster
- lsadmin help shows all subcommands
lsfinstall - install.config 파일로 LSF 설치
- 문법: 경로/lsfinstall -f install.config
lsfstartup - 로컬 클러스터 안에 포함된 모든 호스트들에 LSF 데몬들 시작
lsfrestart - 로컬 클러스터 안에 포함된 모든 호스트들에 LSF 데몬들 재시작
lsfshutdown - 로컬 클러스터 안에 포함된 모든 호스트들에 LSF 데몬들 종
badmin - LSF administrative tool
- controls the operation of the LSF batch system (sbatchd, mbatchd, hosts, and queues)
- badmin help shows all subcommands
bconf - changes LSF configuration in active memory

06 데몬 (Daemons)

데몬 설명
LIM - 'Load Information Manager'
- collects load and resource info about all server hosts in the cluster
- provides host selection services to apps through LSLIB
- maintains info on static system resources and dynamic load indexes
- 'Management Batch Daemon'
- accepts and holds all batch jobs
- periodically checks load indexes on all server hosts by contacting the management host LIM
mbschd - 'Management Batch Scheduler Daemon'
- performs the scheduling functions of LSF
- sends job scheduling decisions to MBD for dispatch
- runs on the LSF management host
- 'Server Batch Daemon' (previously 'Slave Batch Daemon')
- accepts job execution requests from MBD
- monitors the progress of jobs
- controls job execution, enforces batch policies, reports job status to MBD, and starts MBD
PIM - 'Process Information Manager'
- monitors resources that are used by submitted jobs while they are running
- PIM is used to enforce resource limits and load thresholds, and for fair share scheduling
RES - 'Remote Execution Server'
- accepts remote execution requests from all load-sharing applications
- handles I/O on the remote host for load sharing processes

07 사용자 명령어 (User commands)

08 bsub 명령어 (bsub command)



  1. https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-lsf/10.1.0?topic=started-quick-reference 

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