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External Load Indices, External Load Info Manager (elim)

by yororing 2024. 6. 13.

00 개요

  • elim이 뭔지 알고자 함

01 External Load Indices란

1. 역할

  • External Load Indices 는 동적 외부 자원의 값들을 보고한다 (report the values of dynamic external resources)
  • 동적 외부 자원 (dynamic external resource): customer-defined 자원 (LSF 내 built-in resource가 아님) w/ a numeric value that changes over time
    • 예: the space available in a directory
  • use the external load indices feature to make the values of dynamic external resources available to LSF, or to override the values reported for an LSF built-in load index

02 LSF와 Resource

1. Resource란

  • LSF는 LSF Cluster 안에 있는 사용 가능한 resource (자원)에 기반하여 job scheduling 및 host selection을 수행함
  • Resource: a characteristic of a host (e.g., available memory) or a cluster that LSF uses to make job scheduling and host selection decisions
    • static resource (정적 자원): has a value that does not change (e.g., a host's MAX swap space)
    • dynamic resource (동적 자원): has a numeric value that changes over time (e.g., a host's currently available swap space)
  • Load indices supply the values of dynamic resources to a host's load information manager (LIM), which periodically collects those values
  • LSF has a number of built-in load indices that measure the values of dynamic, host-based resources (resources that exist on a single host)
    • e.g., CPU, memory, disk space, and I/O
  • you can define shared resources (resources that hosts in your cluster share) and make these values available to LSF to use for job scheduling decisions
  • if you have specific workload or resource requirements at your site, the LSF administrator can define external resources
  • you can use both built-in and external resources for LSF job scheduling and host selection
  • to supply the LIM w/ the values of dynamic external resources, either host-based or shared, the LSF administrator writes a site-specific executable called an external load information manager (elim) executable
  • the LSF administrator programs the elim to define external load indices, populate those indices w/ the values of dynamic external resources, and return the indices and their values to stdout
  • an elim can be as simple as a small script, or as complicated as a sophisticated C program
  • NOTE: LSF does not include a default elim; you should write your own executable to meet the requirements of your site



  1. https://www.bsc.es/support/LSF/9.1.2/lsf_admin/index.htm?elim_about_lsf.html~main 


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