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install_vertica 옵션

by yororing 2024. 5. 3.

00 개요

  • 목적: Scheduler Insight 설치 시 데이터베이스로 Vertica를 사용하는데, Vertica 설치 시 --point-to-point 및  --failure-threshold FAIL을 설정하는 이유에 대해서 알아보고자 research함
# sh /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s sidbserver1,sidbserver2,sidbserver3 
-r /data1/VERTICA-9.3.1-30_RHEL7.6/vertica-9.3.1-30.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm 
-u dbadmin -p lsfadmin --point-to-point --failure-threshold FAIL

01 install_vertica Options

  • 다음 표는 install_vertica script에 적용 가능한 모든 옵션들에 대한 설명
  • 대부분의 옵션들은 긴 버전과 짧은 버전이 있음 (예- --hosts와 -s)

1. install_vertica script의 필수 옵션 2가지:

필수 옵션 설명
--hosts (-s) - A comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses to include in the cluster, where host-list must not include spaces.
예) --hosts host01,host02,host03 또는 -s,,

- 필수 요구사항:
    - if upgrading an existing installation of Vertica, use the same host names used previously
    - IP addresses or hostnames must be for unique hosts. Do not list the same host using multiple IP addresses/hostnames
--rpm (-r) | --deb - name of the RPM or Debian package
예) --rpm vertica-10.0.x.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

- the install package must be provided if installing or upgrading multiple nodes and the nodes do not have the latest server package installed, or if you are adding a new node.
- the install_vertica and update_vertica scripts serially copy the server package to the other nodes and install the package
- tip: if installing or upgrading a large number of nodes, consider manually installing the package on all nodes before running the upgrade script, as the script runs faster if it does not need to serially upload and install the package on each node


2. install_vertica script 모든 옵션

옵션 설명
--help display help for this script
- silently accepts the EULA agreement
- on multi-node installations, this option is propagated across the cluster at the end of the installation, at the same time as the Administration Tools metadata
- combine this option w/ --license (-L) to activate your license
--add-hosts host-list

-A host-list
--clean - forcibly cleans previously stored configuration files
- use this option if you need to change the hosts that are included in your cluster
- only use this option when no database is defined
- cannot be combined with update_vertica
--config-file file

-z file
--control-network { bcast-addess | default }
-S bcast-addess | default }
--data-dir data-directory

-d data-directory
--dba-group group

-g group
‑‑dba-user dba-username
-u dba-username
--dba-user-home dba-home-directory
-l dba-home-directory
--dba-user-password dba-password
-p dba-password
--failure-threshold [ threshold-arg ] - stops the installation when the specified failure threshold is encountered, where threshold-arg can be one of the following:
  • HINT: Stop the install if a HINT or greater issue is encountered during the installation tests. HINT configurations are settings you should make, but the database runs with no significant negative consequences if you omit the setting.
  • WARN (기본값): Stop the installation if a WARN or greater issue is encountered. WARN issues may affect the performance of the database. However, for basic testing purposes or Community Edition users, WARN issues can be ignored if extreme performance is not required.
  • FAIL: Stop the installation if a FAIL or greater issue is encountered. FAIL issues can have severely negative performance consequences and possible later processing issues if not addressed. However, Vertica can start even if FAIL issues are ignored.
  • HALT: Stop the installation if a HALT or greater issue is encountered. The database may not be able to be started if you choose his option. Not supported in production environments.
  • NONE: Do not stop the installation. The database may not start. Not supported in production environments
--hosts host-list

-s host-list
- A comma-separated list of host names or IP addresses to include in the cluster, where host-list must not include spaces.
예) --hosts host01,host02,host03 또는 -s,,

- 필수 요구사항:
    - if upgrading an existing installation of Vertica, use the same host names used previously
    - IP addresses or hostnames must be for unique hosts. Do not list the same host using multiple IP addresses/hostnames
--large-cluster [ num-control-nodes | default ]  
--license { licensefile | CE }
-L { licensefile | CE }
- configures spread to use direct point-to-point communication b/w all Vertica nodes
- use this option if your nodes are not located on the same subnet
- use this option for all virtural environment installations, whether the vitrual servers are on the same subnet or not
- max number of spread daemons supported in point-to-point communication in Vertica is 80
- it is possible to have more that 80 nodes by using large cluster mode, which does not install a spread daemon on each node
- do not combine this option w/ --broadcast (-U)
- 중요: when changing the configuration from --broadcast (-U) (기본값) to --point-to-point (-T) or vice-versa, you must also specify --control-network (-S)
--record-config filename

-B filename
--remove-hosts host-list

-R host-list
--rpm package-name

-r package-name
--deb package-name
- name of the RPM or Debian package
예) --rpm vertica-10.0.x.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

- the install package must be provided if installing or upgrading multiple nodes and the nodes do not have the latest server package installed, or if you are adding a new node.
- the install_vertica and update_vertica scripts serially copy the server package to the other nodes and install the package
- tip: if installing or upgrading a large number of nodes, consider manually installing the package on all nodes before running the upgrade script, as the script runs faster if it does not need to serially upload and install the package on each node
--ssh-identity file

-i file
--ssh-password password

-P password
--temp-dir directory  


  1. https://www.vertica.com/docs/10.0.x/HTML/Content/Authoring/InstallationGuide/InstallingVertica/InstallVerticaScript.htm?tocpath=Installing%20Vertica%7CInstalling%20Manually%7CInstalling%20Using%20the%20Command%20Line%7CInstalling%20Vertica%20with%20the%20Installation%20Script%7C_____4 

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