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LSF 클러스터, 잡, 큐 00 Clusters, Jobs, and Queues The IBM Spectrum LSF ("Load Sharing Facility") software is industry-leading enterprise-class software that distributes work across existing heterogeneous IT resources to create a shared, scalable, and fault-tolerant infrastructure, that delivers faster, balanced, more reliable workload performance and reduces cost First-come, first-served schedulint (FCFS) LSF 스케줄링의.. 2024. 4. 22.
LSF 데몬 00 LSF daemonsLSF interacts with several daemons, each responsible for different aspects of the entire LSF workflow.patch하면 cluster를 restart 필수# lsf_daemons restartStopping the LSF subsystemStarting the LSF subsystemcluster에 설치된 lsf version, cluster 이름,  관리 호스트 이름 확인# lsidIBM Spectrum LSF Standard, Apr 15 2022Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 1992, 2016.US Government User.. 2024. 4. 16.
LSF 명령어 bacctDisplays accounting statistics about finished jobs.badminThe badmin command is the administrative tool for LSF.bappDisplays info about application profile configuration.battachRuns a shell process to connect to an existing job execution host or container.battrProvides a set of subcommands to manage LSF host attributes for attribute affinity scheduling.bbotMoves a pending job to the bottom o.. 2024. 4. 16.
LSF란 (IBM Spectrum LSF) 01 LSF란1. 정의'Load Sharing Facility'의 약자IBM에서 만든 소프트웨어 제품으로 간략하게 말해 job scheduling 프로그램 (workload management platform)빠르고 믿을만한 workload performace를 실행하고 비용 또한 절감되는 shared, scalable, and fault-tolerant 인프라를 생성하기 위해 다양한 IT 자원(resource)에 작업을 분배 (distribute jobs)함부하(load)를 균형있게 분산하고 자원을 할당하며 해당 자원에 접근할 수 있는 기능을 제공provides a resource management framework that takes your job requirements, finds the bes.. 2024. 4. 3.